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Use AI apps to help create character profiles.
Feather quills and inkwells transitioning to digital tablets, with a backdrop evolving from books into binary code.

AI’s application has broadened to include content creation and curation.” – State of Digital Publishing​​

AI apps participate in a never-ending game of technological leapfrog, constantly trying to outperform each other. Each week, a new contender emerges, outperforming the competition. Then, next week, that AI app is outperformed by its competition with the next “big thing” that promises to change AI apps forever. And the cycle continues. As it does, it keeps many indie authors confused about which AI app to use, if any.

Confusion reigns supreme in this ever-shifting technology arena as the cycle of innovation and obsolescence relentlessly continues.

One week, one app excels at crafting creative scenes, while another works better at generating ideas and planning blueprints. This constant change doesn’t just shape the tech world. It distracts new indie authors, presenting a maze of choices and challenges. As indie authors, we find ourselves grappling with questions.

Are we harnessing the full potential of these apps? Or are we merely clinging to the familiar app, hoping for the best results? Who leads the pack today? Which app will serve your needs tomorrow? As the cycle spins, many of us wonder which tool will best bring our stories to life and connect with readers in a world that never stands still.  We’re like explorers navigating uncharted territory.

Determined to address this challenge, we tested two popular AI apps, ChatGPT and Claude.AI.

We sought their advice in crafting character profiles for the parents of children in a new middle-grade series. We used the same prompt with both apps, eager to uncover their strengths and limitations. The results were a study in contrasts, much like the apps themselves. ChatGPT presented a list of eight elements, while Claude offered 10. At first glance, more might seem better. But sometimes, less is more, as it was in this case.

Although ChatGPT provided fewer elements than Claude.AI, ChatGPT provided a little more detail under each component, and it often used specific examples, which could help to flesh out character depth and nuance. Claude didn’t provide that helpful assistance. See for yourself.

Below is the prompt we used in both AI apps and the results from each. As we work on the middle school series, we’ll do further tests with character and scene development and let you know what we discover in our writer’s guides. 

Prompt Used in Both AI Apps

“My co-author and I are working on a children’s mystery/adventure book series for ages 10-13. We have detailed character profiles for the three main characters, all 12 years old. We will include the parents and siblings in the series. What should we include in the profiles for the parents and siblings, so they are well-rounded characters?”

ChatGPT Results

Note: the results are copied directly from ChatGPT4, including its concluding paragraph at the end of the list.

Creating well-rounded profiles for the parents and siblings in your children’s mystery/adventure book series is an excellent way to enrich your story and provide depth to your main characters’ lives. Here are some key aspects to consider including in their profiles:

1. Background Information:

  • Occupation and Education: Detail their jobs and educational background, which can influence their dialogues, interests, and how they interact with the main characters.
  • History: Any relevant past events that have shaped their personality, values, or current situation. This can include friendships, rivalries, or significant life-changing moments.

2. Personality Traits:

  • Dominant Traits: Are they optimistic, pessimistic, adventurous, cautious, etc.? How do these traits affect their relationship with the main characters?
  • Quirks and Habits: Unique behaviors that make them memorable, like a parent who’s always inventing things but never finishing them, or a sibling who collects weird rocks.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: These can play a key role in the plot, especially in mystery/adventure stories where different characters’ abilities and flaws can help or hinder the main characters’ progress.

3. Physical Appearance:

  • General Description: Height, build, hair color, and eye color. This helps readers visualize the characters.
  • Distinguishing Features: Any scars, birthmarks, or style choices (like always wearing hats) that set them apart.

4. Relationships:

  • With Main Characters: How they relate to each of the main characters, their bond, and any specific dynamics (protective, mentoring, conflicting, etc.).
  • With Each Other: The relationships between parents and between siblings themselves. This can add layers to the family dynamic, showing support, rivalry, or growth.

5. Goals and Motivations:

  • Personal Ambitions: What they’re working towards, which can be a source of conflict or support in the story.
  • Family Objectives: Their hopes and dreams for the family or individual members, which can influence their actions and decisions.

6. Role in the Series:

  • Narrative Purpose: Define their role in the story. Are they mentors, comic relief, moral support, or do they provide critical knowledge or skills?
  • Growth and Change: Outline any development arc you envision for them over the series. How do they change, and what triggers this growth?

7. Interests and Hobbies:

  • This can add depth to their character, showing what they enjoy in their free time, and can also serve as plot devices or ways to assist the main characters.

8. Challenges and Conflicts:

  • Internal Conflicts: Personal struggles they might be dealing with, which could affect their relationship with the main characters.
  • External Challenges: Issues at work, with friends, or within the community that could impact the family dynamic or the story’s progression.

Remember, while not every detail will make it into your story, having this information helps you write consistent, believable characters who can significantly enrich your narrative world. This approach not only makes your characters more relatable and engaging but also provides a wealth of material to draw upon for character-driven subplots and conflicts.

Claude Results

Note: As with the previous results, these are copied directly from the AI app, including its concluding paragraph at the end of the list.

When creating character profiles for the parents and siblings in your children’s mystery/adventure book series, it’s essential to make them well-rounded and multidimensional. Here are some key elements you might want to include:

1. Physical Description: Provide details about their appearance, such as height, build, hair color, eye color, and any distinctive physical features or mannerisms.

2. Personality Traits: Outline their personalities, including their dominant traits, quirks, strengths, weaknesses, fears, and motivations. This will help make them feel more realistic and relatable.

3. Background and History: Develop a backstory for each character, including their upbringing, family dynamics, education, careers, and any significant life events that have shaped who they are.

4. Relationships: Explore the dynamics between the parents, their children (the main characters), and their relationships with extended family members or friends. This can provide opportunities for conflict, support, or character development.

5. Goals and Dreams: Assign each character their own personal goals, ambitions, or dreams, which may align or conflict with those of the main characters, creating potential storylines.

6. Flaws and Struggles: Consider including flaws, insecurities, or personal struggles the parents or siblings face, making them more human and relatable.

7. Roles and Responsibilities: Outline their roles within the family, such as breadwinner, homemaker, disciplinarian, or confidant, and how these roles impact their relationships with the main characters.

8. Hobbies and Interests: Describe their hobbies, interests, or passions outside of their family life, as these can reveal additional layers of their personalities and provide opportunities for character development.

9. Speech Patterns and Mannerisms: Develop unique speech patterns, catchphrases, or mannerisms for each character, making them more distinctive and memorable.

10. Secrets or Mysteries: Consider including secrets, mysteries, or hidden aspects of their lives that can be revealed or explored throughout the series, adding depth and intrigue.

By incorporating these elements into your character profiles, you’ll create multidimensional parents and siblings who feel like real people, enhancing the overall richness and believability of your story.


In our exploration of the latest AI tools for indie authors, we’ve seen firsthand the strengths and weaknesses each app brings. No single AI app will be the perfect solution for every writing task. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. The key for indie authors is to experiment with different apps and figure out which ones work best for your specific needs at any given moment.

Don’t just go with the most popular or newest AI writing tool. Take the time to test them out using your actual writing projects and prompts. See which one generates the most helpful and quality output for you. The best app for developing characters may not be the best for plotting or world-building.

Relying too much on AI can also be a pitfall. Use them as a supplemental tool in your process, not a complete replacement for your skills and creativity as an author. With an open yet critical mindset toward AI writing assistance, you can take advantage of the technology without becoming overly dependent on it. Explore your options and develop a balanced approach that works for you.

AI Apps—Key Takeaways

Experimentation and flexibility are our greatest allies. By staying curious and open to trying different apps, we can discover which ones work best with our unique creative processes and storytelling goals.

Because AI technology constantly changes, what works for one project might not be the perfect fit for another. So, let’s keep exploring, learning, and adapting. By doing so, we empower ourselves to harness the full potential of these tools, enhancing our storytelling and connecting with our readers in new and exciting ways. It’s an exciting time to be an author.

For more help leveraging AI apps, read these writer’s guides: Your Writing Career and AI’s Impact: 8 Hacks  and Best AI Software for Aspiring Authors.

We hope these AI comparisons have been helpful and motivating, equipping you with the insights and tools necessary to succeed as a new indie author.

Writing is a process that involves continuous learning and improvement. You don’t have to go through it alone. We are thrilled to accompany you on this journey, offering guidance and support at every turn. Our writer’s guides aim to provide you with fundamental insights and practical advice that will assist you in navigating the world of writing with greater confidence.

For more help, read, Is Your Book Ready to Self-Publish? Lastly, for help writing a non-fiction book, read Write Your First Non-Fiction eBook: a 30-Day Workbook for Getting It Done.

Don’t wait. Start today!

How can we help? To let us know, please fill out our contact form. Happy writing!


These FAQs aim to address common curiosities and enhance your understanding of how artificial intelligence can be a game-changer for indie authors navigating the digital landscape of publishing.

How do AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude.AI specifically tailor their responses to fit the unique needs of my writing project?

Answer: AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude.AI use machine learning algorithms to analyze the input they’re given, allowing them to generate responses that are aligned with the specific requirements of your writing project. The more detailed your prompts, the more tailored the AI’s suggestions will be, ranging from character development to plot structuring.

Can these AI tools help with writer’s block, and if so, how?

Answer: Yes, AI tools can be incredibly helpful for overcoming writer’s block by providing creative suggestions, plot ideas, or even alternative approaches to a scene. They act as brainstorming partners, offering fresh perspectives and ideas that can inspire authors to move forward with their writing.

Are there any genres where AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude.AI excel more in providing assistance?

Answer: AI tools are versatile and can assist with a wide range of genres. However, they may be particularly adept at genres that rely heavily on structured narrative and character development, such as science fiction, fantasy, or mystery, due to their ability to generate detailed world-building elements and complex character profiles.

How do AI tools handle the creation of secondary characters or subplots within a narrative?

Answer: AI tools can generate profiles for secondary characters and suggest subplots by analyzing the main plot and characters you provide. They consider the narrative’s overall direction and themes to create cohesive and supportive secondary elements that enhance the main storyline.

In terms of privacy and intellectual property, how safe is it to use AI tools for writing my book?

Answer: Most reputable AI tools prioritize user privacy and intellectual property protection. However, it’s essential to read and understand the terms of service of each tool to ensure your work remains confidential and your intellectual property rights are respected. Generally, the content generated with these tools is considered the intellectual property of the user, but confirmation from the specific tool’s policy is always recommended.


Because of technologies constant change, it’s challenging to stay up to date. You can find the most current and comprehensive insights into AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude.AI, including performance metrics, user reviews, and comparisons based on real user experiences, by checking out technology review platforms, forums, and professional networks. Websites such as Medium, Reddit, and YouTube can also be valuable resources for finding other in-depth reviews and discussions on the capabilities and performance of different AI writing tools.

ChatGPT can use a browser to find and share the most recent and relevant information available online.