Reading Time: 2 minutes

I I”I must try to be alone for part of each year…and part of each day…in order to keep my core, my center.”
(Anne Morrow Lindbergh) 

Habit of WritingOnce you make the commitment, you need to stick to it, right? It’s not always easy to keep the habit of writing. You are more likely to keep your commitment by using three simple techniques. According to Charles Duhigg, in The Power of Habit (2012), those three techniques are cue, routine, and reward.

Cue the Habit of Writing

First, create a “cue” for writing each day. It could be as simple as setting the alarm on your phone. Be sure to use a ringtone that gives you a positive feeling when you hear it. One of favorite alarm is the old one that says, “I’m all jacked up on Mountain Dew.” It works for me and helps me jump into writing.


Next, establish a routine. Make a cup of your favorite tea. Open the mini-blinds. Sharpen your pencils. Pick out your favorite pen. Play a motivational song. Jog around the block. Zen out. Get ready to get into the rhythm of writing.


Then give yourself a reward. It can be a simple reward, such as buying a new, inexpensive pen or a new book. (Hint: The reward should come after you have kept your commitment for the day. If it comes before, it is an enticement, not a reward). Think about a reward you can give yourself to keep you motivated to write. Best of all, consider internal motivators you can tap into so you can create a strong daily writing habit. You can do it!

Don’t wait. Get started today! 

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